Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stair Master of Doom

Dear Stair Master,

If I could imagine a hell... it would be you... that's right... you and your never ending stairs!! The only thing that would make the nightmare of you more complete, is if you somehow simulated a cheeseburger at the top of the stairs as a cruel joke! It's hard enough going up a regular flight of stairs... let alone stairs that are moving at inconstant speeds! I know you enjoy watching the horror on my face when I look down at your timer and say, "IT'S ONLY BEEN 30 F******* SECONDS?!" *Stair Master Laughs maniacally*

Oh, and by the way... I am on to you! I know that somehow you're slowing down your timer. It would be easy for you do this considering you're the devil and all... I hate you Stair Master... I HATE YOU!!

Ps. Watch your back.

Hating you always,



  1. pssst..Patty! I'm available for an alibi for when the Stair Master 'falls' off the roof of the Empire State Building. "She couldn't have done it, Officer, she was with me the whole time!"

  2. I LOVE The stair master machine - it's my total favorite. :) I am so sorry you are unhappy with the stair master, but I know in time you will grow to love it...

