ONE: 'You shall reach all of your weight loss goals.'
TWO: 'You shall photoshop or visualize yourself as one of those "skinny b******!'
THREE: 'You shall not take the name of your FBA Group in vain.'
FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it hoppin'... shed those pounds shed those pounds!!'
FIVE: 'Honor your fruits and vegetables.'
SIX: 'You shall not murder anyone in the FBA Group.'
SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery with any fast food chain, unless accompanied by an FBA Member to manage damage control.'
EIGHT: 'You shall not steal unhealthy foods or snacks from the fridge, cabinets, or trash.'
NINE: 'You shall blog or share your success stories and offer support and/or encouragement amongst your FBA Member's.'
TEN: 'You shall not covet your FBA Member's weight loss successes, your FBA Member's house, nor her male servant, nor her female servant, nor her ox, nor her donkey, nor anything that is your FBA Member's.'
Oh my gosh! This is great! I should print it and put it by my computer at work and at home so I don't forget it...
ReplyDeleteHow in the heck am I going to stop coveting though!?!?
This is so wonderful Patty! You are so clever!....... Now how am I supposed to live by 20 Commandmandments?!!..... The original 10 were hard enough! lol :-)
ReplyDeleteHahaha. :)
ReplyDeleteI feel that patty's "Laughing" response is so sadistic... I can hear it through my computer at my house... Ikes...
ReplyDeletePatty, you rock! just knowing you makes my whole day complete! the way your mind works is 'totally awesome'! hugs Les