Thursday, January 7, 2010

Burger King

Dear King,

Oh, how I miss your juicy flame-broiled beefiness . It's been over 3 days since we've been together, and already I find myself waking up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, longing for your comforting touch. Unlike other fast food chains, you understand the meaning of the word "burger." A Burger should never be so small that you can handle it with just one hand... but big enough so that it takes 3 people to take on it's magnificent size!

You never judged my love handles, triple chins, or muffin top... in fact you encouraged them. You love a girl with some meat on her bones, and I loved your meat... You taught me how to get it my way, like a number 1 with extra pickle, cheese, and mayo, oh and don't forget the hershey pie... You were always there for me in my time of need and sometimes even 24/7.

However, I am sad to say that our journey has come to its end. It's not you... it's me... okay your right, it's you... I can't be with someone who puts me at risk for heart disease, diabetes, or a permanent fat suit. Please know that I will always have strong feelings for you, and you will always be on my mind, but the truth is you're not healthy for me... or my two asses.

Who knows, maybe in a few years we will see each other again and laugh about all the good times we had together. I wish you nothing but the best and a lifetime of happiness.

Yours truly,



  1. Hilarious!
    Is it odd that I now crave Burger King? And I actually never have BK cravings.
    I mean I love the King and all..I mean uhh this has gotten awkward. I love meat!

  2. Hahahaha! You are so funny Sayward. So are you telling me you want to start dating the King?! *gasps*

  3. This is Perfect - I had to break it off with Wendy last night. She was NONE to happy about it either... her and her lovely double bacon cheeseburger deluxe... damn that betrayer of trust!!

  4. Haha, Wendy is a whore anyway... ^_^

  5. Isn't that the same letter you wrote Brynn 6 years ago?...Just saying...sounds similar...haha

  6. Hahahaha! You're such a whore, but I love you! You need to send me your e-mail so that you can blog here too!! I need to send you an invite. ^_^
