Friday, January 8, 2010

Good Bye Dr. Pepper

Dear other Contributors,

I Would Just like to point out that Patty is Right - Wendy is a Whore - she's a dirty, rotten, cheating, misleading, double-dealing, skinny whore - and I am no longer going to be in cahoots with the likes of her!

Here is her picture!  View it well and tell ALL of your friends about her double-dealing, pretend "Healthy" menu... Don't fall for it !!  Don't fall for Her... REDHEADS Are NOT more fun!

That being said - my Love Affair with Dr. Pepper (Hear the sizzle in the background followed by that "Ahhhhh")  has officially ended.  He was sleek - sexy - tasty and satisfying on those hot, sticky summer days when nothing else would cool me off or refresh my taste buds.  Breaking up is totally hard to do, but I am finding that my love affair with extra large soda's is making me extra large myself.
  SO, that being said, even though I enjoy the comforting feel of Dr. Pepper, running down my throat, I cannot justify continuing a relationship with him, or his friends (Yeah, that's right Coke - you are SO gone... and PEPSI, I KNOW you are the "Choice of a new generation" but, you and I will duke it out if you even ATTEMPT to tempt me again).

Glad to know that I have this understanding group to turn to in this time of need.  Happy Fat Blasting to you all.



  1. I'm sorry Aonika, while I do agree that DP and friends are bad for us, I just can't warrant giving them up. I don't have it in me...also, Redheads are definitely more fun!

  2. Good Bye Dr. P... *sniffles* we had some good times you and I.

  3. Way to go Aonika! Very nice! :-) I'm so proud of you. H2O is your friend!!! ;-)
