On Saturday morning, I danced at the Bellydance Spring Fest. We danced 2 dances and by the time I was finished I was exhausted. It's alot of work! I usually try to take a snack or 2 with me because I like to stay a little while and watch the other dancers but this morning I forgot. I was so concerned with remembering all my props, my sword, my zills, etc, that I forgot to grab something to munch. I was soooo hungry by the time I left that I was vulnerable to Ronny's call...he's so persuasive, charming, so beguiling that you don't see the real him until it's too late! I told myself that it was just 1 time and that it didn't mean anything but down deep I knew I was wrong. It had been so long since I'd felt his touch I was quivering with excitement. I argued with myself, back and forth, until finally.....I resisted! it took all the strength I had left in my body but I thwarted his efforts! I was so proud of myself! I had Astro Burger instead! Les